In an effort to flatten the curve, Junk Out is modifying our services effective March 19 to zero-contact bin rental and junk removal services.

If your junk needs can wait, we look forward to working with you when the pandemic has subsided.

Please, do not risk our front-line workers or your own health.

Wishing you and your family the best health during this difficult time.

Team Junk Out

For more details, please or call (416)253-7533.

What considered as Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste Materials?

There are three main types of consumer goods: durable goods, nondurable goods, and services. Consumer goods – often called final goods – are the end result of production and manufacturing and are the types of products a consumer will see on the store shelf. A durable good is one that is meant to last – for example, a brick might be considered a durable good because it should hypothetically never wear out. As for services, that’s what our team at Junk Out provides when you’re ready to toss your unwanted, damaged or worn-out consumer goods, durable goods and non-hazardous industrial waste materials into the rental bin: junk…

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