In an effort to flatten the curve, Junk Out is modifying our services effective March 19 to zero-contact bin rental and junk removal services.

If your junk needs can wait, we look forward to working with you when the pandemic has subsided.

Please, do not risk our front-line workers or your own health.

Wishing you and your family the best health during this difficult time.

Team Junk Out

For more details, please or call (416)253-7533.

What To Consider Before Starting A Demolition?

Demolition projects are huge commitments that require special attention. Without proper planning, the project may not go as smoothly as desired. Interestingly, many demolition projects may turn out to be bigger than anticipated. If this happens and catches the homeowner or demolition company off-guard, it could affect the project significantly. Especially because demolition in Toronto is typically messy, requiring days to complete. However, demolitions are still a significant part of the home renovation process. Therefore, it’s essential to plan adequately before starting a demolition project. There are some aspects to consider before starting the job, which include: Create A Plan Check The Demolition Method Get An Estimate…

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What You Need to Know Before Demolishing Your Garage

Thanks to your Covid isolation, you’ve completed every single renovation you’ve ever wanted to finish on the interior of your home. And since you’re the DIY type with nowhere to go, you’re thinking it’s time for one last major renovation – your garage. That may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few suggestions from JUNK OUT before you begin your garage demolition. Beginning Your Garage Demolition Any house demolition project has to begin with the proper paperwork. Securing permits now saves you a lot of hassle later. Yes, they cost money and, yes, you’ll wind up dealing with a building inspector, but…

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